The social issue

Given the aging of the population and the stereotypical association of the Third Age with the deterioration of health and the poor quality of life, we wish to help the elderly express themselves through experiencing art in the Museum, in a way that refreshes or arouses their interest. Besides, it has been proven that taking part in activities related to culture and art in particular, improves the elderly’s quality of life, while also enhancing cognitive functions, such as memory, thinking, and perception.

Art game for elders

Can art change the world?

A new perspective of the works of art and their creators is presented to the participants. Periods, colors and artistic movements form a web of activities, which through the theatrical act aim at cultivating imagination, strengthening self-confidence and encouraging socializing and teamwork.

Through our activity we wish to:

  • Eliminate the social exclusion experienced by the elderly,
  • Cultivate the notion that the Third Age remains creative,
  • Develop relationships and share experiences and ideas,
  • Transform introversion into expression,
  • Encourage collaboration,
  • Stimulate and boost memory,
  • Demonstrate the significance of art in people’s lives.

“Art game for elders” also served as a dissertation topic for a student of the Hellenic Open University School of Social Sciences, who recorded its benefits.

The “Art game for elders” is a Β&Ε Goulandris Foundation initiative, designed and implemented by the seveneleven theater company.

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